《星战前夜》玩家帐号问题 帮你作最好的选择

2013-08-29 1235


Q:我新接触《星战前夜》且非常喜欢它。据我理解,在职业生涯上,种族选择并不起什么作用,问题是,在同一账户设置alt来填补不同的角色是否有意义? 我担心的是, 你还是要 交叉训练许多相同的技巧,因为一个角色拥有许多不同的技能比把技能分到两个角色上要好的多。所以设置alt是弄巧成拙浪费时间和精力吗? 我知道很多玩家有多个账户, 这似乎是最好的选择, 但我还没决定是否要花额外的钱。
A:对于拥有大量像战斗和打金技能的角色来说, 这是一种浪费。我把自己仅有的账户管理的相当好,但有时它会很无聊,有第二个帐户当然可以改善这种情况。我的意见是, 最好有2个账户(或更多)。在同一个账户上有两个角色的问题是你一次只能操作其中一个。两个账户意味着你可以同时操作和训练两个角色。我经常玩分屏,我有一个矿工,并用战士或搬运工来帮助矿工长时间的工作。 一切取决于你,但是我建议你创建2个或更多的账户。

Q: 听起来像我的想法是正确的。 那如果我玩一个角色,训练它的战斗和打金能力, 这样好吗?

A:如果你在游戏中很富有, 那你就可以做双训练。这样的话,虽然你也会有第二帐户但其实没有很大的区别。 主要的区别在于, 如果你只是想在一个账号的一个角色上添加4 - 8周训练,双重训练是最有益的。 如果你想长期发展,那开第二个帐号比较好。


Q:I'm new to Eve and enjoying the game. Now as far as I understand race choice doesn't have any such effect on your career paths,so this leads to my question.Does it make sense to have an alt on the same accout to fill a different role?My fear is that you'll still have to cross train so many of the same skills that it may just be better to have one character with many skills than to split skill points between the two.Is having an alt self defeating and a waste of time and effort?I do realize that many players have more than one account and that would be the best way to go but I haven't decided if I want to spend the extra money.

A: For roles that take up a lot of skills like combat and mining I do think it is a waste. I have tried it. I have managed fairly well with only 1 account . If only it didn't get really boring at times. Having a second account could certainly improve that.
My opinion is that it is better to have 2 accounts(or more). The problem with having another character on the same account is that you can only train one of them or play one of them at the same time.  2 accounts mean you can play both and train both at the same time.  I often played split screen and had a miner and a fighter to defend or a hauler to keep the miner out longer. Depends on you really but I would recommend 2  or more accounts。

Q:T hanks for the quick responses.Sounds like what I thought is true.So let me ask this.If I was to play with just one character and train him for combat and for mining say,would that be stupid?

A : If you are rich ingame in terms of isk then you can do dual training and not care. If that was the case though you could also get a second account so there isn't much difference。
The main difference is that dual spec'ing is most beneficial when you just want to add 4 - 8 weeks training to a character on a single account. If you are looking at long term then a second account is better。 

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