
2013-09-07 1503


1. 代理访问
F2P和银级玩家没有代理访问。这就意味着非黄金低级玩家不能容易地购买低级装备 。强烈建议冲击黄金级, 这样你就能使用代理。如果你不能,一次性支付5美元去银级:你仍然没有代理访问权限但它可以免除许多麻烦。

2. 按照自己的方式生活
SOE 加强了低级装备, 以至于在某些情况下,任务型装备传奇装备或精心打造的装备好要好。 我发现在做任务的时候,我可以轻而易举地升到30级。
然而, 每一个新玩家都可以提高他们的锻造水平,制作出自己的大师级装备,如果他们愿意花费大量的时间来提升锻造技术的话。大师级盔甲制作精良,每件至少80级。
大部分的工匠都在为燃料成本和小费工作, 我通常计划支付约四倍的燃料成本,因为快乐的工匠能够再次为你工作。


How to Make Money in Norrath: A Guide for New and Old Alike
 Broker Access
F2P and Silver players don't get broker access. That means that non-Gold low-level players can't buy low-level gear easily. The biggest recommendation for making money is to go Gold, so you have the use of the broker. If you just can't, pay the one-time $5 to go silver: you still won't have broker access, but it does remove a bunch of hassles.
Living Within Your Means
 SOE beefed up low tier equipment, to the point that quested gear was better in some cases than Legendary or Mastercrafted. I have found that I can level to at least 30 using just whatever loot drops as I kill things and complete quests.
However, every new player can level crafting enough to make their own Mastercrafted armor, should they spend the time leveling crafting。   Mastercrafted armor is pretty darn spiff, all the way up to at least level 80 or so.
I can hear you thinking, "But I hate to craft!" No worries, you can commission the work from a player crafter. You don't have to know a crafter. You just have to be able to use the /who command.
Most crafters will work for fuel costs and a tip. . I generally plan on paying about four times the fuel cost, because a happy crafter is one that will craft for you again.

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