美服《最终幻想14》玩家对四人基础组队的意见 你怎么认为

2013-09-14 1811

我要说的话题是帮派的规模。在FF14中,另一件Square Enix强迫玩家做的事是玩家必须一起做任务。  当你随着故事情节一步步前进的时候,你肯定会遭遇一定的挑战, 如地下城和残酷的战斗。游戏初期的大部分任务你就需要跟小队一起做,大约4名玩家,在游戏后期,你就必须要跟完整的帮派8名玩家一起做任务。甚至还有24人的残局团队副本。 
我认为Square Enix 犯了一个错误, 不应该让帮派建立在4名玩家的基础上。我觉得至少应该是5人。我不是随意说说。这种选择的原因是大量的玩家会选择扮演伤害输出者而不是肉盾或疗愈者。 这是网络游戏普遍存在的问题。 当你创建四人团队的时候,你就迫使玩家形成25%的肉盾,25%治疗和50%的伤害输出,最终,伤害输出会经历长时间的等待。 如果你有五名玩家,你可以将减肉盾和治疗师人数降低至20%, 让基于伤害输出和其他支持职业的比重都到60%。 如果成员有6名,就像在FF XI中, 你可以进一步降低攻击和治疗的比率到16.7%,让更多玩家参与损害输出或支持职业。
我觉得Square Enix 不会改变帮派成员的数量,所以这就需要玩家自行处理。这个问题也正在加剧, 因为其实只有两个职业可以做肉盾。庆幸的是,Square Enix,在未来的扩展包中会增加这种职业,但是现在就只有圣骑士和战士。如果他们不喜欢,那鼓励玩家gank是很困难的。专业玩家网为台服游戏工作室提供游戏加速器,游戏辅助 


The next topic I want to tackle on this week’s Review in Progress is party size. Another thing that Square Enix really nailed (there are a lot of those, actually) with FFXIV is forcing players to play together. As you progress through the story-line you will have to take on certain challenges, such as dungeons and primal battles, with a group. Most of these in the early game will require you to have a light party, or a group of 4 players. Towards the end some of the missions will require you to have a full party, a group of 8 players. There is also endgame raids planned that will be designed for 24 players. 
I do think Square Enix made a mistake by choosing to have party sizes based on four. I believe at a minimum it should have been five. This is not an arbitrary number I decided on either. The reason behind this choice is the sheer number of players that choose to play as damage dealers as opposed to playing as a tank or as a healer. This is always the case in MMOs. It is not a problem unique to Final Fantasy. Every MMO out there that has grouping based on the trinity has tanks and healers at a premium and Square Enix should have known this. When you create a party system based off of four players you force the player base to align to a population of 25% tanks, 25% healers, and 50% damage dealers or you end up with damage dealers waiting in long queues. If you have parties with five players you reduce the number on tanks and healers to 20% and allow up to 60% of the player base to play damage dealers or support classes. If parties were based on six players, like they were in FF XI, you bring that number down even further to 16.7% for tanks and healers and allow even more players to participate as damage dealers or support classes. 

I do not believe Square Enix will be changing the number of members that are in a party any time soon, so for now this is something players are just going to have to deal with. The problem is also compounded because there are really only two jobs that can tank. Hopefully Square Enix will introduce more jobs that can tank in a future expansion but for now we have to make due with Paladins and Warriors. It is also very difficult to encourage people to tank if they do not enjoy it. Some other games have offered bonus items but I believe this is a poor long term strategy. Paying people off to tank cannot be the best solution. Though as a player that always plays a tank I will take the free money.




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