美服《九阴真经》四大招式套路解析 助你成为武林高手

2013-09-23 1195

九阴真经中的战斗严格遵守着现实世界武术的逻辑,就像经典的 “石头、剪子、布”。移动类型分为实招(石头),虚招(剪刀),架招(布)。

实招是直接攻击,这些比其他的攻击更具杀伤力, 因为他们有明确的目的---伤害。 无论是与武器/拳头, 或特殊的技巧, 实招是战斗的基础。
•如果你的对手使用架招, 损坏会从50%开始,随装备或技能增加或减少。

•按住架招键,你就可以一直处于架招状态 (默认键: 右鼠右键)
•架招会降低70%的移动速度, 但你仍然可以移动和跳跃
•架招可被虚招轻易打破,如果发生这种情况, 在特定时间内你将不能够再次使用架招。

•一旦架招被打破,敌人将获得100%的伤害,  且一段时间无法再使用架招。

除了这三个基本的招式外还有气招。 气招可强化自己的力量削弱敌人的。 他们不直接攻击敌人,更多的是采取减益效果。同时,使用气招会让你对攻击没有防备,所以玩家要明智, 因为它你不但会让你变得脆弱, 而且一旦被攻击,你的气招将被阻止。专业玩家网提供游戏工作室项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏工作室国外游戏资讯。


Overt Moves or “Rock” are straight attacks. These are stronger than other attacks because they have one purpose, damage. Whether a “basic attack” with your weapon/fists, or a special skill, Overt Moves are the foundation of combat.
• The majority of damage skills are overt moves.
• They are the main skills which you use to deal damage to your opponents.
• They will break the armor of feint skills and overpower them.
• If your opponent is using a parry stance, the damage will be reduced by a certain percentage starting at 50%, but can be increased or reduced through gear and skills.
Parry Moves
The “Paper” that covers the rock are Parry moves. You can Parry a player normally, which only minimizes the damage done to you. The more practiced martial artists will be able to deal more damage than a simple Parry can handle.
• Parry stance reduces the damage received from any overt move. The percentage damage reduction is governed by two of your stats, depending on the type of attacking move: external attacks or internal attacks
• You can maintain your Parry stance as long as you hold down the Parry key (Default: Right mouse button)
• Parrying will reduce movement speed by 70%, but you can still move around and jump while Parrying
• A Parry can be easily broken with any Feint Move. If that happens, you cannot Parry again for a certain amount of time
• Your Parry Endurance will be depleted gradually as you take blows from an opponent, the strength and recovery speed of your Parry is dependent on your stats
• Parrying is a good way to fill your Rage
Feints cut through parries, leaving your opponent stunned, possibly weakened, and ready for a devastating follow-up attacks. Feints are lighter attacks that are intended to break open defenses with a sudden move and are not advised to go toe to toe with the stronger, more direct Overt Moves.
 • Feint Moves are Parry breaking moves which are used to break and cancel an enemy's Parry stance
• An enemy will receive 100% damage after their Parry has been broken, and are unable to Parry for a certain amount of time
• Feint Moves are easily broken by any Overt Move
 Chi Moves
In addition to the three basic sets are chi moves. Chi Moves enhance your own power or weaken the enemy. They do not directly attack an enemy as much as create debuffs. While channeling Chi move a player is left open to attacks, so be wise when using them because not only are you vulnerable, but being struck will cancel your chi move.

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