美服《九阴真经》新手指南之公会创建 教你享受团队的乐趣

2013-11-22 1283

《九阴真经》 充满了危险。公会不仅有助于玩家相聚一起,共同奋斗,还能够帮助玩家在世界上发挥影响力。


如何创建公会? 其限制和条件是什么?

首先, 必须加入一个门派, 在达到创建工会的资格前提升到一定的等级。
然后, 在大城市如成都、苏州,洛阳或金陵, 去找负责公会的官员。

与负责人说话,选择“创建公会”选项。在弹出框,选择一个合适的公会名称, 单击确定。
创建 公会需成花费30两纹银,其中200两会会进入公会的基金。专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,全面开展游戏工作室论坛项目,方便游戏工作室交流。


新创建的公会被视为非正式的公会,公会最少需4人才被认可。如果三天内没有足够多的人加入, 公会将被迫解散。报名参加公会的玩家也必须属于某个门派,且要有足够高的排名。在公会里,你可以与其他玩家交流; 可以寻找队友完成任务或者仅仅是和朋友一起去冒险。


 Creating a Guild
Age of Wushuis filled with dangers. Guilds not only help players come together and work towards long term goals, they also play an influential role in the world.
How to go about creating a guild in Age of Wushu? What are the limitations and conditions?
First, you must join a School and advance beyond the initial ranks before you are qualified to create a Guild.
Then, in a large city such as Chengdu, Suzhou, Luoyang or Jinling, go find the official in charge of Guilds.
Speak with the official and select the "Create Guild" option. In the pop-up box, select an appropriate Guild name, and click Confirm.
Creating a Guild costs 300 Taels, 200 of which will go to the Guild’s funds.
Newly created Guilds are considered Informal Guilds, and a minimum of 4 people are required for a guild to be recognized. If within three days not enough people join, the Guild will be forced to break up. Players who sign up for the Guild must also belong to a School and be of sufficiently high rank. Within Guilds you can interact with other players. You can search for teammates to complete tasks or simply go adventuring with guildmates.



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