美服《TERA》新手60级枪骑兵指南 教你做个好在tank

2014-03-17 1369

你的任务(队伍/ 团队副本)
2.开启debuff 状态
精确定位和盲目tank之间区别很大。DPS目前使用北极水晶设置,增加暴击伤害770 - 840%左右。如果他们不能从后面暴击,就会从整体上削弱约30 - 40%。

# 2.开启debuff 状态
# 3.DPS
你自己的dps也起作用的! 它可是在shandra起决定性因素。
三件事要同时进行。实际上,不做3就没法做# 1。
1.在正确的位置假装你有怒火和dps /减益魔法。(面对远程dps)


 This guide is more or less for Lancers that hit level 60 recently or lancers that have issues with tanking.
Your mission (in a group/raid)
Your task as Lancer is to make the instances go faster/smoother. The faster youre able to make it go, the better your skill as Lancer is.
To do a good job, you need to do the following:
1. Position your enemies
2. Keep your debuff up
3. Dps
#1. Position your enemies
This is the most important thing. You want to find smart positions for yourself and your dps/healers in order to boost overall dps.
The difference between positioning and just blindly tanking is huge! DPS currently use a Backcrit crystal setup, which increase their crit damage by around 770-840%. If they can't crit from behind, they will do about 30-40% less overall dmg.
By positioning correctly, you also decrease the load on healing, the priest will have an easier time in having Energy Stars and the Tripple nemesis debuff up which results into a huge dps boost.

Having said that, how you position your enemies is situational and can change throughout the fight. Always have the enemies back turned towards the ranged dps. Ranged dps have to walk long arcs in order to do backcrits, while melee only need a couple of steps or a roll/backstab. Use the map if you cant see the dps. If the enemy somehow goes through you or ends up being right behind you, quickly backstep through the enemy to end up in the right position again.
#2. Keep your debuff up
Have your delibitate stack at 3 the entire fight. It will increase everyones DPS.
#3. Do some of the deeps
Your own dps counts too! It can be the deciding factor of shandra being in her animation locks or not.
Youll have to do the 3 things at the same time. Actually, you will probably not be able to do #1 without doing #3,
Learning to be a Tank
If youre new to the class and want to learn how to Tank:
1. Pretend you have aggro and dps/debuff always in the right position. (you Facing the ranged dps)
2. Get to know the enemies, their attacks, how much time you got in between and which attacks will follow up after a certain attack. (Develop a gut feeling for this)
3. Try to get hold of aggro and manage it
4. Learn how to block and reduce your dmg intake, This contributes greatly to your ability to generate aggro (You block things that wouldve knocked down, stun, stagger, silence, sleep or slow you).
Those things have to be done at the same time, i just listed them in terms of priority. So if you cant focus on all 4, try to focus on 2 or 3 of those things at a time. But you want to work towards being able to do those 4.


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