美服《TERA》玩家经验分享 60级玩家打金指南

2014-04-28 2204

bams位于scythera fae,在北部 Shara的Sylvanoth,沙拉
如果物品都能达到+ 9深渊及以上,那做起来就相当容易了。如果你经常使用背击,可以使用mutinios核心。因为他们不怎么移动,你可以站在她们身后,在他们毫不知情的额情况下消灭敌人。
他们掉落用于出售的物品,同时你还有机会得到完整crystalbind和半神秘物品。但到目前还没掉落这些东西。在30分钟内,你得到的所有掉落物品价值约100 g,不多但意味着良好的开端。
2人SP :
suryati's peak是个庞大而标准的副本。它坐落在acarum所以你不能错过。只需到痛苦城堡就可以到达。  
收入约为200 - 300 g / h。
这个也可以2人做,但如果你和你的伙伴是新手,那就3个人做。Keslaiks Nest 最好的副本之一。
物品等级是160 +
不管你要做什么,最好都要5人一起,不要3个人或2个人。在队友到来之前不要独自开战,因为你一旦前进,就会在沿途这下陷阱,这样就会误伤队友,一定要确保每个人都在再出发。接下来,你会看到一间放满雕像的房间,看起来是魔导士、屠杀者、 枪骑兵或元素使者。再次确保每个人都在,然后开始基本攻击,雕像可以刷新,所以你要像杀怪兽一样干掉他们。做了这些之后你更进一步,见到Kelsaik。他会持续2分钟施加减益效果,一个火、一个冰,努力要在耗尽之前伤害你。你可以通过颜色判断用的是什么减益效果,要么是橙色或者蓝色;
然后我发现这种方法比 LoT更有效。因为他可以掉落神秘卷轴、杰作alkaheist,还有高级58级装备,这些都可以卖大钱呀。
我没有精确计算到底花了多长时间,但做了6次,获得3000金的时间跟完成LoT的时间差不多,在10 - 15分钟左右。
我建议达到物品等级166 +后再开始做这个。收入:每次可得到300g,需要10 - 15 分钟。你杀掉开始的3个首领,然后重复。如果你有坦克或治疗师朋友就可以做全套,但我觉得还是做3人的KN更好。专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。



  I wanted to make a guide covering few good gold incomes that I managed to gather from other ppls experience and guides and also from some personal testing. Note that this is for lvl 60 and all class managable, but since I personally have done this on sorc I will give more tips on sorc then rest, if u wish to contribute with ur class pls do so. I will go from easiest to hardest. And this is all coming from my point of view playing a sorc.
(vids will be uploaded soon)
These bams are located in scythera fae, which is in Sylvanoth, which is in Northern Shara.... TERA geography 101 woot woo
right there
Recommended ilvl and consumables:
Well bassicly anything from +9 abyss and up can do them with ease, u should use mutinios crux for weap or back crit if u crit often enough. Since they dont move a lot, u can just stand behind them and while u spam ur attacks before they even move to actually face u they will probably be dead.
They can drop crap literally that u can vendor, and also chance to get complete crystalbind and semi enigmatic. But so far none dropped for me. Overall with vendoring crap and just basic gold u get from these bams is around 100g per 30mins give or take so its not much but it can be good start if ur having trouble with other farming methods.
SP 2man:
This is a giant massive instance that looks like ur standard questing map called suryati's peak. Its located just outside of acarum so u cant really miss it. Just go down to Citadel of Torment and ull be there.
Ilvl should be around 164+ u need a healer or a tank that can hold on their own and a good dps, u also need merchant if u wish to speed things up.
Income is around 200-300g per h give or take with crap sales.
KN 3man:
This can be also done 2 man but if u and ur buddies are begginers start with 3 man, Keslaiks Nest is tbh one of the most interesting instances in the game. This requires a vid which I am unable to give atm so I will cover some basics that I can.
Ilvl should be 160+
Having a healer is a giant plus on this one.
Resurection scrolls.
Bassicly what ur doing here is, ur running 5man normal mode version of this instance but instead ur doing in a party of 3 or 2. At the beging of the instance wait for ur party before heading out cuz u will set a trap if u go down the path alone, that can kill or at least annoy ur teammates so make sure everyone is there and just run. Next ull will meet with a room full of statues that look like sorcerers, slayers, lancers or mystics. Again make sure everyone is there and start basic attacking the statues they will spawn as monsters and u will need to kill them. Once uv done that u go further and meet Kelsaiks. Once u go to him he will stun u. So when u see kelsaiks just wiat for ur char to go into combat dont get close, get ur mana up prepare what u wanted and charge. He will continuously cast debuffs that last 2 mins one fire and one ice make sure u get hit by each before 2 mins run out cuz otherwise u will die. U can see which debuff u have by color its either orange or blue and what debuff he will cast by color of animation and hand he is releasing it from ( one hand is fiery one is icy ).
I found this method to be more effective then LoT. Cuz he drops master enigmatic scrolls, masterwork alkaheist and also some superior lvl 58 gear which either sells for good money ( power lving toons crave this ) or can be vendored for decent amount also it can be saved for ur alts ur choice.
I didnt count the time I was playing cuz I had many breaks in betwen runs. But I squeezed out of 6runs 3k takes me same time to finish LoT which is 10-15 mins since my sorc isnt that much geared.
Lastly is LoT solo
I recommend starting this at ilvl 166+ with consumables and ur standard charms also use stalwart and hunters not mut crux, I will cover this guide completely in video and wont touch it much since there is a lot already. Income here is 300g per run which takes 10-15 u kill only 1st 3 bosses and repet. If u have a tank or healer friend u can do full but still doing KN 3man is waaaaaay better. Ur choice

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