美服《炉石传说》官方经验分享 炉石套牌创建技巧(一)

2014-06-16 1378

创建套牌的过程很是紧张,特别是你不知道接下来要做什么的时候。Mike Donais,《炉石传说》的高级设计师,在这里给大家分享一些建议。

2.具备5 - 10张早期游戏卡牌
如果在早期游戏中落后,那么想占上风了就很困难了。有5 - 10张花费大约在1 -­2法力的卡牌,在前两轮使用则可帮助避免这种情况。这些通常可以帮助移除对手的早期随从。

3.具备5 - 10张后期游戏卡牌



Hearthside Chat - Tips for Hearthstone by Mike Donais
Building a deck can be stressful, especially if you’re left wondering “what do?” when staring at your collection. I’m Mike Donais, senior designer for Hearthstone, here with a few tips on the subject.  
Deck building, how does it work?
Here are a few fundamentals for building a strong deck.
1. Focus on a theme
The types of decks you can create are virtually endless, so it’s good to know what kind of deck you want to play before you start building. If you want a fast, aggressive (“rush”) deck, stick to efficient, high-damage minions. Include minions with Charge and spells that deal damage directly to your opponent.
If a slow and careful “control” deck is more your style, include healing and taunt minions. The taunt minions force your opponent to attack them before they can take a swing at you, and the healing minions help restore some health you (or your other minions) might have lost.
Some themes can be more complex, for example focusing around cards like Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Alarm-o-Bot, various Pirates, or Malygos. In those cases, you’ll of course want to include some fun cards that match your theme, but don’t forget to also have some strong, generally useful cards to keep you alive while your theme plays out, such as Frostbolt, Backstab, or Lightning Bolt.
2. Have 5–10 early game cards.
If you get behind in the early game, it’s tough to get the upper hand again. Having 5–10 cards that cost 1–­2 mana and make sense to play on the first two turns can help avoid this. These are usually minions or spells that can remove your opponent's early minions.
3. Have 5–10 late game cards
Most decks can benefit from solid late-game/higher cost cards. Even for rush-themed decks, something aggressive like Argent Commander can make sense, whereas a control deck might do well to include something like Sunwalker .
Card drawing can also be useful in the late game but remember a minion that takes 2 cards to kill is better than drawing 2 cards because if your opponent doesn’t have the cards to kill it you are way ahead.
4. Play mostly minions
If you play a minion and your opponent can deal with it, then you end up even. However, if you play a minion and your opponent can’t deal with it, then you are ahead on the game board. Once you are ahead on the board you can start making favorable trades or smashing your opponent directly. This makes minions more important than spells which kill minions.
When first building decks, try including 20 or more minions. Later you might break this rule with specific spell focused decks.




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