美服《炉石传说》官方经验分享 炉石套牌创建技巧(二)

2014-06-16 1231

创建套牌的过程很是紧张,特别是你不知道接下来要做什么的时候。Mike Donais,《炉石传说》的高级设计师,在这里给大家带来一些建议。

5. 随着时间的推移完善套牌
举个例子,如果你败在快节奏套牌手中,那就添加更多的嘲讽随从和耗费本1 - 2法力的卡片,确保你没有太多昂贵的卡牌。
用你的随从交易类似的敌人随从通常是个好主意。意思是说如果你有3/3 随从,你的对手也有3/3 随从,你应该尽量用你的将敌人的杀死。通过这样做的话,他们不就无法用buff法术迷惑你,并将3/3 随从变成4/4随从。




5. Improve the deck over time
Remember, this is a learning process; you’re going to win some and lose some. Don't change your deck after just one game—pay attention to what cards worked out well over the course of several. Then, go back over the deck and make changes based on what you learned.
For example, if you lost to a lot of fast-paced decks, add more taunt minions and cards that cost 1–2 mana. Make sure you don't have too many expensive cards.
Or, if you run out of cards before killing your opponent, add more late-game minions.
Have patience! If you lose to a deck/specific class once, it doesn't necessarily mean you need to make a change!
Playing your new deck
1. Start with cheap minions
If you don't play any cards on the first three turns, you’ll likely get too far behind, so make sure your starting hand has at least one 2-mana card even if it means you have to mulligan (redrawing at the start of a duel) a good 4-mana card.
2. Spend your mana
First, consider a play that would spend all your mana, and then compare that with your other options. Getting big minions out early is usually the best strategy because it puts your opponent on the defensive. If your opponent doesn’t have the right card to deal with your early minions you end up with a big advantage.
Once you are more experienced you should also think about how you will spend your mana on your next turn.
3. Think twice before making a play
Before you make a play, pause and look at your whole hand to make sure you don't have a better way of dealing with the situation.
4. A clear board is a happy board
Trading one of your minions for a similar enemy minion is generally a good idea. Meaning if you have say a 3/3 minion and your opponent also has a 3/3 minion, you should attack and kill theirs with yours. By doing this, they won't be able to surprise you with a buff spell that could make that 3/3 minion a 4/4 minion.
This is also important because if they play a spell that damages all of your minions, it won't be as big of a problem.
5. Don’t play too many minions.
Each class has some way of clearing the board if there are a lot of enemy minions. Try to keep those in mind when playing more than two minions.
6. Card drawing is for late game
If you have a choice between playing a minion or drawing cards it is almost always better to play the minion first. Putting out minions puts your opponent on the defensive while drawing cards doesn’t improve your board at all. When you are out of minions then you can play your card drawing to get more.
This applies to minions like Loot Hoarder, too. On turn 2, if you have a Faerie Dragon and a Loot Hoarder you should play the Faerie Dragon first because you don’t need to draw cards yet. Having the bigger minion out is more important.
7. Hero power
If you can kill an enemy minion by using your hero power it is a big advantage because you didn’t spend a card. However, most of the time, playing a creature from your hand will give you a bigger board presence than using your hero power. In the early game focus on getting out minions so that you control the board. In the late game you will have more mana so you can use your hero power more often.
8. Have fun!
Even the most experienced players don’t win all of their games.

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