美服《TERA》新增4大副本 助你探索大峡谷

2014-06-27 1726


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裂痕边缘:跟爬行动物guwangi战斗,在众多BAMs和boss中杀出一条生路,到达终结点,对抗不屈不挠的Koleogg !


Dive into the Great Rift!
TERA unveils four new dungeons, letting you explore the Great Rift splitting the continents:
The Abscess: Battle through hordes of pestilent beasts to carve out an infection deep in the Great Rift.
Ghillieglade: Enter a faerie realm to rescue the world’s oldest ghilliedhu from a diabolical influence.
Lakan’s Prison: Overcome the forces of a powerful sorceress bent on releasing a god from its ancient prison.
Rift’s Edge: Combat the reptilian guwangi villagers and battle your way through a series of BAMs and bosses to reach the final confrontation with the indomitable Koleogg!
If cool new gear is your aim, you’ve come to the right place. The bosses in these dungeons drop a variety of new gear, including: alchemy recipes, brooch designs (and materials), upgrade designs, tier 14 Patron gear, tier 15 Devastator gear, rank III etching designs, rubra tokens, tier 15 Archetype gear, Krakatox bones (which start a quest to earn your tier 15 Archetype weapon), and more!
All four dungeons arrive in a few short days—and you can check them out on TERA‘s Wounded World page!

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