美服《魔兽世界:德拉诺之王》Beta 测试正式开始 只需几步即可参与

2014-06-28 1656

《魔兽世界:德拉诺之王》™Beta 测试开始
《魔兽世界:德拉诺之王》Beta测试已经开始了! 在测试的过程中,我们会邀请社区经验丰富的玩家、出版社、媒体、粉丝网页、朋友和家人以及选择进入beta测试者共同参与。
本阶段的测试侧重于塔纳安丛林的初始体验,玩家可以继续到影月谷(联盟)和霜火岭(部落)。高级内容将于未来更新中用于测试,等级在 90的角色西药尝试新角色的话可以选择参与。


World of Warcraft®: Warlords of Draenor™ Beta Test Begins!
The World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor beta test has begun! Over the course of the test, we’ll be inviting community veterans, press, fansites, friends and family, and opt-in beta testers to participate.
This phase of the beta test focuses on the Tanaan Jungle starting experience and allows players to continue on into Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance) and Frostfire Ridge (Horde). High-level content will become available for testing in future updates. Level-90 character templates are available if you’d like to try a new character, or you can copy over your own high-level characters.
As there’s no NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for the Warlords of Draenor beta test, those invited to play are free to take screenshots and movies or stream game content. Please keep in mind that the expansion is still in development—we’ll be making changes to the game as the beta evolves, and what you’ll see during the beta test is not necessarily representative of the final game.
Players selected to participate in the beta test will receive an email invitation directing them to download the beta client directly from their Battle.net account. As always, please be aware of phishing attempts—if you’re unsure whether your invitation is legitimate, please log in to your Battle.net account to verify that there is a Warlords of Draenor beta license attached (under Your Game Accounts).
Getting Started
If you’ve been selected to participate in the beta test, your Battle.net account will already be flagged for access.
Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date.
Run the Battle.net desktop app—it may need to update itself if you haven’t run it recently. If you don’t have it installed, get started here.
Once Battle.net is installed and updated, select World of Warcraft from the list of games on the left.
In the Region/Account drop-down menu above the Play button, choose Beta: Warlords of Draenor (listed under In Development), then click Install.
Allow installation to complete, and click Play.
Once you’ve launched the game, youcan create a new character using the built-in template generator or copy over your own character to start your adventure on Draenor. The game may automatically bring you to the standard character-creation process—you’ll need to cancel that and use the Draenor Beta template to create a character instead, located near the Enter World button.
Providing Feedback
We’d love to hear about your experiences on Draenor, so once you’ve had a chance to play, please send us your feedback.
For general feedback, use the in-game Feedback interface.
For crashes, please use the Crash Reporter feature that appears when the client crashes.
For general game bugs, use the in-game Bug Report interface.
If you’re getting a wrong version error, please uninstall and reinstall the client.
Be sure to check out the full patch notes as well for a detailed description of what to expect in the Warlords of Draenor beta test.
How do I opt in?
Once you’ve set up a Battle.net account and have attached at least one Blizzard game, you can choose to opt in to our beta tests from the Beta Profile page. You’ll need to select which games you’d be interested in helping test, as well as download and run the System Check tool to attach your computer’s specifications to your beta profile. Once that’s complete, it’s simply a matter of waiting for an invite.
*PAX East beta key recipients, please note that we will provide further notification when these are activated within the beta.


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