
2014-07-03 1711




Today we have another excellent guild interview lined up. Meet Midnight, a friendly guild known for being helpful on Lake of Tears!
Please introduce Midnight to the TERA community. How did the guild start and how did the members meet?
Konichiwa, we are Midnight! The first members came from an older guild on the server that eventually came to an end. The remaining active members decide to start fresh with a new guild and so Midnight was formed. We eventually started picking up our friends and continue to do so as some are returning players, while others we have met along the way and invited them to our family.
What would you say the focus of the guild is? What are the characteristics that set Midnight apart from others?
I wouldn't say we have a set focus other than just enjoying the game and having fun. What sets us apart from the rest is that we're simply more relaxed and laid back rather than trying hard at everything. After all, the game is only as fun as you make it. You’ll find us in outskirts mainly, always dueling or conversing. We also enjoy battlegrounds and PvE content, while alliance is very limited to us.
We’ve heard that Midnight is an active and helpful guild. What are your secrets in maintaining such supportive and caring atmosphere?
There are no secrets to maintaining a caring atmosphere. We are a family and together we treat each and every member with utmost respect. We are not only limited to our guild members, we host Nexus raids and help other friends who are absent from Midnight. When a member needs help with the game or with gear, we all make the effort to aid them in the process (such as creating Wonderholme raids and running them through dungeons). We really have no formal rules to dictate how Midnight is run, but we do strive for the best in all that we do.
Do you have any advice for running a successful guild? Or any advice for other players in terms of PvE or PvP in TERA?
Well, since this is the first guild I have run, I don't have much knowledge to offer but the basics. Keep the drama and bad-mouthing very limited. I don't assign officers in the guild; everything is decided as a guild and everyone's opinion is valued. No one is left out and someone is always willing to help with something if needed.




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