美服《江湖RS》官方提供角色名字更改新方法 清理长期未登录角色名字

2014-07-08 1437




Character Name Clean-up
We’re updating the way character names work, so now you can grab that name you’ve had your eye on since you completed Cook’s Assistant and change your name more often.
Members will continue to get one free name change per month, and we’re now offering you an alternative way to change your name as many times as you like on top of this. Redeem one Bond to swap your name for another, completely bypassing name change waiting time of one month.
As well as offering this new name change service, we’re working to release character names from dormant accounts. If you’re a member, you’ll be able to take one of the names we release completely free, as long as you haven’t changed your name in the last month.
Don’t worry though, your character name is safe. As long as you’re a member or recently active free player, your name is yours to keep for as long as you want it.
We’ll only be recovering character names from the following accounts:
Former members who haven’t logged into their account for 2 years
Players who have never been a member who also haven’t logged into their account for 6 months
We’ll be sending out emails to all accounts affected. If that includes you, all you need to do to keep your character name safe is log into your account within the next seven days.
So, if you’re having an identity crisis or just fancy a change, redeem a Bond now to change your name and keep your eyes peeled. We’ll be releasing a list of the names we’ve made available, in batches, within the next few weeks.
For frequently asked questions, click here.


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