美服《Gigantic》Motiga旗下新游戏正式发布 最棒在线游戏等你体验

2014-07-16 1346




 Motiga Announces Gigantic
 Motiga has finally unveiled the game that the development team has been working on lately. Called "Gigantic", the game places teams of players with a massive guardian in a no-holds-barred fight for supremacy.

From the very beginning, our goal was not just to make an awesome free-to-play online game. We wanted to make the best online game, period.

Creating great games starts with great people. We have a studio full of not only experienced veterans in the industry, but also people who still have the passion for making something truly great. We set our bar very high—only to find that we needed to raise it even higher. Not because of any external pressure or market demand, but because of the team itself. This is what happens when you have an entire studio full of people dedicated to the craft of gamemaking at its highest caliber.

We at Motiga believe that gamers deserve great games. We are passionate about delivering experiences that you’ll remember and treasure; the kind of game experiences you talk with your friends about long after the game ends. Time is a precious commodity for the gamers, and every minute spent in our game should be fun and rewarding.


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