美服《英雄联盟》统治战场英雄使用率浅析 英雄平衡优待调整

2014-07-19 1178

如果数据确实说明了某些东西,那就是Riot Games 真的需要在英雄平衡上做出调整。他们也在这方面下了点功夫,比如,控制战中Kayle的终极冷却时间有所调整,或卡兹克对孤立目标的攻击奖励减少。但这些小的调整显然是不够的。在比赛中无休止的看到某些英雄确实是很讨厌的事情。而诸如兰博、扎克、库奇、塔里克、努努等英雄却很少出现。许多英雄很少出现在水晶之痕中。总是使用相同的策略、看到相同的英雄慢慢的就会变得很无聊。如果你也讨厌玩上面列出的英雄,那么控制可能就不会那么有趣了。更好的平衡,比如增加各种各样的英雄和奖励可能能让慢慢长夜变得乐趣多多。游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。



How Frequently are the Most Hated Dominion Champions Played?
Back in May, I wrote an article titled “Top five most hated Dominion Champions” which listed Nidalee, Leblanc, Fizz, Lee Sin, and Jax as the most annoying champions to play against on The Crystal Scar. Not only are these champs incredibly powerful and hard to deal with but they are also pretty frequently played which can get tiresome after awhile.
Hated Dominion Champions
In order to see just how big of a problem these champions are, I simply tallied how many times I saw each champion on the list over the course of my next 100 Dominion games played during the last two months. These games were played around 1,300 to 1,600 MMR.
Here are the frequencies of each champion encountered in a span of 100 games played:
Leblanc: 14 games (14%)
Jax: 21 games (21%)
Fizz: 24 games (24%)
Lee Sin: 33 games (33%)
Nidalee: 37 games (37%)
The above five champions appeared a total of 129 times in 100 games. That works out to roughly 1.3 appearances per game. In other words, you are almost guaranteed to see at least one of the five most hated champions in every single Dominion game you play whether they are on your team or against you. This goes to show these five champs are without a doubt among the most powerful Dominion champions in the game.
Since I didn’t play any of these champions myself, this potentially affected the experiment by reducing the appearance rate of these champions because I was actually only measuring how frequently they were picked among nine potential players rather than 10. This likely reduced their actual pick rate by up to 10% so Nidalee potentially would have been played in 41% of games instead of 37%, Lee Sin in 36% instead of 33%, Fizz in 26% instead of 24%, Jax in 23% instead of 21%, and Leblanc in 15% instead of 14%. This factor is something that must be kept in mind when considering the accuracy of the data.
If this data shows anything it’s that Riot Games really needs to work on Dominion-specific balancing for champions. They already dabble in this area a little bit as evidenced by changes such as a longer cooldown timer on Kayle’s ultimate for Dominion or less of a damage bonus on for Kha’Zix’s attacks on isolated targets, but these small tweaks are clearly not enough. It’s a little ridiculous to see the same handful of champions game after game after game. Champions like Rumble, Zac, Corki, Graves, Taric, Galio, Nautilus, and Nunu are almost never played. Many others are rarely seen on The Crystal Scar as well. It gets boring having to play around the same strategies and seeing the same champions every game. If you hate playing against the champs on this list, then chances are Dominion isn’t going to be much fun for you. Better balancing might help make long nights of playing Dominion more fun by increasing the variety of champions played and rewarding people for playing different champions.


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