美服《巫妖之路:战法师》更新早期访问测试 新功能包括制定改进等

2014-07-22 1029








Steam Early Access partners can now enter Lichdom: Battlemage now that it has entered its beta phase of development. Developer Xaviant has updated the game with several new or updated features including crafting improvements, UI and balance improvements, performance optimizations and the Sigil System. Lichdom: Battlemage is set for final deployment on August 26th.

*New Feature: New Game Plus: The game doesn’t stop when you defeat the last boss. Unlock New Game Plus mode and play on as long as you like. Tackle challenging new objectives and earn new tiers of loot to craft the most powerful spells ever.

*New Feature: Sigil Powers: Each Sigil has an inherent power that harnesses the energy of rare Apocalypticals. Learn to execute them and experience Flame Walls, Arc Lightning, and more exciting new spells.

*Major Performance Optimizations: We have put a tremendous amount of effort into improving performance on low- and high-end hardware. We are modifying our minimum and recommended system specifications to reflect this.

*Crafting System Improvements: The Crafting UI has had a significant overhaul focused on legibility and ease of use. We’re not done yet, but Crafting new spells has never been easier or more rewarding.

*Synthesis System Overhaul: Synthesis has been reconfigured and rebalanced to allow you to make meaningful choices when you run across items you don’t want to use for crafting. A new Reforge feature lets you drop unwanted items into a magical slot machine.

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