美服《江湖RS》冒险家日志重新设计 新增功能部分上线

2014-07-22 857

这此新功能很快就可以使用,向大家展示技能的历史,包括每个月你得到多少XP ,历史回顾到一年前!



 Adventurer’s Log Redesign
Earlier this year you voted for a complete redesign of the Adventurer’s Log section of the website. The web team have been working hard and we’re pleased to announce that the first version is now available!
For this version, we’ve given all the existing features a whole new look. Everything is now much easier to find, with everyone’s Adventurer’s Log split across multiple pages. The system will also be much faster so no more waiting for pages to load!
We’ve got big plans for the Adventurer’s Log. Keep your eyes peeled for some brand-new features, which will be added over the next few months.
The first of these new features was chosen by you: Skill History.
This new feature will be available soon and will show a history of each of your skills, including a breakdown of how much XP you gained each month, going back as far as a year ago!
Enjoy the new-look Adventurer's Log, and let us know what you think on the for

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