美服《魔兽世界》如何在拍卖行打金 发展服务器市场得到更多金币

2014-07-22 1584







Whether you're a seasoned crafter or a new World of Warcraft player, there's a way for you to make lots of WOW Gold! Here are five time-tested approaches that will make you all of the gold you'll ever need in WOW. As you become more comfortable using the auction house, and develop an understanding of the market on your server, you can employ several of these techniques at once to help you reach the gold cap.

Sell Your Loot on the Auction House

It doesn't cost anything to start making lots of gold on the WOW auction house. Just by looting all your corpses, you should accumulate quite a few items you can auction for cash. Always loot everything, even at the low levels. You don't need to visit the AH frequently, simply store all of your loot in your bank, an alt's bank, or even a private guild bank if you're particularly savvy.

Buying Items to Resell

As you become an expert on your server's market, you can spend less time farming and more time flipping. Identify cheap items and re-list them at a profit. You can also keep an eye to your server's Trade chat to look for bargains. Often buyers are looking to sell quickly, and you can expect to pay less than you would shopping at the AH.

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