
2014-07-23 1600


纳克萨玛斯诅咒第一区:炉石™冒险已经开启! 我们知道你们很想测试自己套牌,对抗那些在最臭名昭著的浮动墓地里恶毒的亡灵,现在我们有了好消息。蜘蛛区现在对所有在诅咒发布期间进入墓地的玩家免费开放,从现在起到9月初。




 The first wing of Curse of Naxxramas™: A Hearthstone™ Adventure has opened! We know you’re just dying to test your deck against the malevolent undead who roam Azeroth’s most infamous floating necropolis and we have some great news to share. The Arachnid Quarter is now available for free to all Hearthstone players who step into the necropolis during the Curse of Naxxramas launch event, taking place now through early September (we’ll announce the exact end date as it gets closer).
For more information on the Arachnid Quarter’s skittering surprises, click here!
Access to additional wings may be purchased using in-game gold or real world currency. After the Arachnid Quarter, the next four wings can be purchased for 700 gold per wing or $6.99 per wing. Players can earn the in-game gold needed to unlock the next wing by completing various quests or emerging victorious from the Arena—or they can choose to unlock the next available Naxxramas wing using real money.
Curse of Naxxramas bundle packages are also available! With bundle packages, you can unlock any remaining wings you may have at a discounted real-money price.Purchasing Curse of Naxxramas wings in bundles ensures that you’ll be able to dive into the next challenges as soon as they unlock! Check out the bundle prices in the image below!
The undead horrors of Naxxramas await. . . . Enjoy the adventure!

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