美服《坦克世界》游戏引入家族评级系统 实时追踪家族等级

2014-07-25 1174




Introducing the Clan Rating System!
We're introducing a new portal feature that will allow you to track your Clan's effectiveness in battle: The Clan Rating system!
You can now compare different Clans' successes with a variety of parameters at once. This includes the average personal rating among all Clan members; the average number of battles per Clan member; the average number of tier X vehicles, and the overall Clan Wars Rating. Plus, you can track changes over specific intervals (one day, one week, or four weeks/one month).
Only Clans with at least 15 members will acquire a Clan Rating.
So what are the stats that affect a Clan Rating? The Rating system looks at the following:
Number of players in a Clan
Average number of battles played per Clan member (for each 24-hour period)
Total number of tier X vehicles (Note: In order for a tier X vehicle to count towards this statistic, a Clan member must have logged at least 1 battle in that vehicle)
Clan effectiveness on the Global Map*
Clan effectiveness in Campaigns on the Event Map*
Average personal rating of all Clan members
There are a number of ways to increase one's Clan Rating -- recruiting more tankers to your Clan is the easiest method. Beyond that, each Clan member should play actively in any battle type (Global Map, Standard Battles, Tank Companies, etc.) to further increase your Clan Rating. Additionally, as your Clan acquires more tier X vehicles and improves each individual member's skill levels, your Clan's rating will only continue to rise!
*We use the Elo rating system to define effectiveness on the Global and Event Maps and estimate a Clan's relative strength.
Furthermore, only battles that were played since May 22 will be calculated and displayed on the portal.


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