
2014-07-31 1118


Character Name Clean-Up – First Batch Next Week
Recently we announced that we would be updating the way in which character names work. We also let you know that we’d be releasing a yak-load of names from old, unused accounts, allowing you to change your character name to one of the names that become available.
We’ve now informed owners of accounts that we would be releasing their character name, unless they logged back in to reclaim them.
The countdown in now on. Next week, we’ll be releasing the first batch of names (beginning A-C).
We’ll give you a heads up when we release them - then you can go straight into game and change your name. If you’ve already changed your name in the last month, fear not! You can use a Bond to change it again.
Need a little inspiration? If you fancy a chance but you’ve run out of ideas, check out the list of names we have released – simply check the forums for a link on the day we announce the release.
For more updates and batch releases just keep your eyes on the forums.
Let the countdown begin!

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