美服《上古世纪》行走世界指南 各种途径/工具浅析

2014-07-31 1515

坐骑是快速移动的很棒的选择,至少从水里出来的时候。驴是携带物品的好选择,并且其速度要比不行快得多,其他坐骑的速度要快的多但不能携带物品。一般来说,中等距离的时候,驴子是你随时都会需要的坐骑。但,要注意的是,当走水路的时候,徒步仍是最好的方法,因为坐骑 过水速度很慢,会造成问题。



ArcheAge - Guide for Traveling Across the World
Traveling across the world in ArcheAge is a huge part of the game, as a lot of it revolves around transporting items from one area to another. Due to this, there are many ways to handle the traveling, and each of them has their own benefits. Understanding these travel methods and what makes each one beneficial helps immensely when it comes to maximizing the effectiveness in a given situation. So let us go over them!
Traveling by foot is by far the slowest method, although it gives the freedom of being able to attack on-the-fly (without having to dismount, for example). This is used when traveling short distances, such as while out and about hunting mobs or turning in some quests that are a pretty close distance to one another. To help out with gaining some extra speed, there is also a dashing skill that will burn mana in return for faster running. This, of course, should be used in moderation when hunting mobs since mana is an integral part of being able to fight.
Mounts are a great way for moving quickly, at least out of the water. Donkeys are an awesome asset for carrying supplies at a faster rate than can be done on foot, and other mounts are much faster on land but can not carry supplies. Generally speaking, mounts are used any time you need to get from one place to another over a medium distance. It is worth noting, however, that when it comes to traversing water, going on foot is the best method since movement through water when mounted is extremely slow and can pose problems.
Boats and Ships
Boats and ships are the best way to move through water. This is used in the main ocean as a mode of transport, but can also be used in smaller lakes as needed as well. The trick to these is that they can only be summoned along the water, and can only be taken along the water. As a result, these are mostly only utilized when trying to get from the east to the west lands.


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