
2014-08-02 976

MMOsiters,你还在抱怨没有游戏玩吗?值得庆幸的是,《上古世纪》第二次封闭测试活动的到来,在一定程度上可以安慰你的游戏匮乏的心。《上古世纪》已经在7月30日上午10:00 PDT(GMT-7)拉开序幕,将延迟至8月4日。




MMOsiters, are you still complaining about no game to play? Thankfully, the arrival of ArcheAge Closed Beta 2, to some extent, can comfort you game-starved heart. ArcheAge has kicked off on July 30 at 10:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) and will go through till August 4.

Players who participated in CBE1 will not need to redownload the entire game client, only a 161MB patch to Build 4.3 which is currently on the Alpha servers. Though sever has been doubled in second Closed Beta owning ever-increasing players, seen from ArcheAge official Facebook, we still can see some participants keep reporting errors they met during the game.

Will ArcheAge surprise us? And will it truely lead us into a new age of adventure? Time will tell. Players having a key, it’s right time to join ArcheAge now!!! And we’ll sustain attention to it and bring you more details.

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