美服《魔兽世界》要塞木材调整说明 血精灵模型延迟推出

2014-08-04 1405





Warlords of Draenor - Garrison Monuments
Along with all of the other features in your garrison, there is a spot for monuments. These statues are currently earned through achievements and only some of the monuments have faction specific art. You can see the existing statues and achievements required to earn them below.
Garrison Lumber
We're watching the spawns and experiences people are having. It's an easy enough number to tune. The question is: Are you just hanging around one zone or are you moving around? What tier is your LM? At level 1 it's going to be more difficult to fill your work orders since you can only log small timber. Also, timber spawns are much more plentiful in Spires/Nagrand.
Good feedback. Few notes:
Lumber Mill level 2 (and all medium plot blueprints for that matter) unlock at level 98 on the blueprint vendor. You can also get a token for a medium building by completing the Spires of Arak building quest chain.
Small timber exists in every zone (except Frostfire). Spires is probably the most densely spawned with small timber, with Talador a close second.
You can currently use timber to buy a few more things and we'll try to add more. At the very least if you ever manage to get Phylarch you'll likely want a steady supply on hand for Everbloom Seeds.
That said, we'll take a look at the spawn points. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Next Beta Build
We weren't able to get a new full build deployed this week (aside from the minor fastpatch we did on Wednesday to fix some Garrison issues), but we're hoping to get a beta build out to you all early next week.
Thanks for being patient, and thanks for testing! (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Blood Elf Model Delay
yes but it was expected to be more than one race. Not having half done for the release actually feels better to me than leaving out one.
Yeah I understand that, feeling like the odd one out. But just think about that patch when you do get your updated model. Everyone else's models will be common by then, everyone will have been seeing them every day. But when the new Blood Elf model goes in it's going to be a new thing, and everyone will be focused on you and how fancy you look.

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