美服《魔狱军团》推出首批10大英雄 免费下载之后开放

2014-08-11 810

《魔狱军团》Aeria Games推出了前十个英雄
今年晚些时候,《魔狱军团》开放战场后将提供免费下载和免费游戏。感兴趣的玩家可以在官方网站注册,查看更新和新的英雄、内容,资产,并在Facebook和Google +上获得更多的信息。



Aeria Games Launched The First Ten Heroes for Chaos Heroes Online
Recently, Aeria Games has launched the first ten heroes for Chaos Heroes Online, their upcoming free-to-play MOBA, in a brand new trailer. These powerful heroes, including Orson and his wild army of beasts, Shade the mysterious princess, and Nils with his , show off some of their coolest abilities as they crush enemies on the battlefield.
Releasing this fall, Chaos Heroes Online is a highly competitive MOBA that challenges players right up until the end of the battle, and the ability to re-equip on-the-fly makes stocking up on potions, armor, and weapons much easier.
Chaos Heroes Online will be free-to-download and free-to-play when it opens its arenas later this year. Interested players can sign-up for updates on the official site and check out new heroes, content, assets, and follow on its Facebook and Google+ to get more information.


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