美服《DayZ》索尼证实将推出PlayStation 4版本

2014-08-13 1369

DayZ  PlayStation 4

Dean Hall和DayZ的长期追随者或许还记得有关大厅主机版的模糊评论,而今天在索尼PlayStation 4活动上证实,该款僵尸生存MMO的确会成为即将到来的PlayStation 4版本。
大会期间,根据Dean Hall的评论,索尼已经让他和团队的支持安装64位服务器,大大提高了PC和PlayStation 4游戏性能,虽然此次改进是否足以解决ARMA引擎大量的技术问题仍有待观察。哦,等一下,他们做了一个新的,不是吗?
所以,如果你喜欢玩电脑游戏的主机端口,其大部分仍未完成,是历史上臭名昭著的最荒谬的主机方案,以荒谬的价格出售以往可免费下载的内容,——看看DayZ PlayStation 4版。
至今没有任何PlayStation 4画面展示。游戏工作室项目,欧服,美服,台服,韩服,日服,国服,东南亚服等所有游戏收货商家信息请关注专业玩家网。



 DayZ Coming To The PlayStation 4
Long term followers of Dean Hall and the DayZ project will remember Hall's vague comments about a potential release on consoles and today it was confirmed during the Sony PlayStation 4 event at Gamescom that the zombie survival MMO will indeed be making its mark with an upcoming PlayStation 4 release.
According to comments Dean Hall made during the show, support from Sony has allowed him and the team to install 64bit servers which will drastically improve the games performance on both the PC and PlayStation 4 platforms, although whether that improvement will be enough to fix the vast array of technical problems with the ARMA engine is yet to be seen. Oh wait, they made a new one didn't they?
So, if you fancy playing a console port of a PC game that is largely unfinished, is infamous for the most ridiculous control scheme in history, was sold at a ridiculous price for content previously available in a free to download mod, and from a creator that has openly stated he will be leaving the project come years end, then sure thing - check out DayZ on PlayStation 4.
Did we mention that they didn't show any PlayStation 4 footage whatsoever?


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