美服《剑灵》 北美/欧洲地区将在2015年进入测试阶段

2014-08-15 3123

最后,关于《剑灵》北美/欧洲的消息表明,Gamescome的BNS球迷网站成员有机会见到BnS EU/NA的产品经理,并跟她讨论关于他们的BNS计划。虽然该信息没有被确认是肯定的,希望是真的,西方BNS球迷可以在2015年玩此款游戏!现在,让我们来看看Dojo Sensei 给我们带来哪些信息:







Finally some news about Blade and Soul NA/EU have shown up, yesterday at Gamescome one of the BnS fansite member had the chance to meet the product manager of BnS EU/NA and talked to her for a while about their plans for BnS. Though the information is not confirmed for sure, hope is in front of us, western BnS fans can get to play the game in 2015! Now let's see what infos has the Dojo Sensei brought to us:

*Release date is aimed at 2015 (rather late)

*Client base will be Chinese client.

*Fatigue system might not be present (she strongly dislikes it but as I understood there are no concrete plans yet)

*Warlock class will not be included initially

*They will most likely have PvP and PvE servers.

*Plans are that you will still choose your faction on PvP server but there won't be a need to equip PvP dobok to attack players.

*You will most likely not be able to change faction on PvP servers.

*Edit: Game will be a f2p model but not interely free (I have no idea what she meant with that... But i kinda don't like the sound of that. Maybe its jusz B2P?)


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