美服《坦克世界》走进法系5级重坦AMX 50 B

2014-08-18 1850

走进AMX 50 B
法系坦克最不容小觑的力量,AMX 50 B是个重量级的移动型5级坦克。具备4轮驱动的自动装卸机,很良好的俯角,在战场上绝对是毁灭性的大家伙。这种重型坦克可能不擅长带头冲锋,但你肯定可以利用速度和机动性拦截和阻挡敌人的进攻。
开始日期:8月18日周一04:00 PDT / 11:00 UTC
结束日期:9月1日周一04:00 PDT / 11:00 UTC



 On Track to the AMX 50 B
A force to be reckoned with at the top of the French line, the AMX 50 B is a mobile tier X tank that packs a punch! The four-round autoloader mounted on the vehicle has excellent gun depression and makes a devastating weapon on the battlefield. This heavy tank may not excel at spearheading the charge, but you can defintely use your speed and maneuverability to intercept and flank the enemy if the opportunity arises.

While you battle your way to the top, you'll get to earn extra Credits on high-tier On Track vehicles and a chance to earn a variety of rewards including the sniper-like Premium FCM 36 Pak 40 tank destroyer!

Start Date: Monday, August 18, 04:00 PDT / 11:00 UTC
End Date: Monday, September 1, 04:00 PDT / 11:00 UTC

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