美服《天空熔炉》 更多关于该游戏的GamesCom开发小组

2014-08-18 829

随着Gamescom 2014在本周末的结束,我想我应该发布更多网游陈列在那里。由巫师之怒团队和黑曜石娱乐开发,《天空熔炉》是一个雄心勃勃的新MMORPG,目的是取悦玩家。开发人员面板可以在以下看到:







With Gamescom 2014 ending this weekend, I thought I should post more about the few online games on display there. Developed by Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment, Skyforge is an ambitious new MMORPG which aims to please gamers. The developer panel can be seen below.

The major highlights of Skyforge include a level-less system, ability to switch character classes on the go, ability for strong players to become a "God" and lead others, massive PvP and PvE raids and more. Learn more about the game over at the website, and remember to sign up for beta!

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