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2014-08-26 1041




Warlords of Draenor - Dev Interviews
Retaining the soul of the character with the new character models is very important, so players should feel that the new model looks like a higher quality version of the older one. Players have helped to address areas in which the models fell short of that goal during the design process.
The more human like races have more player sensitivity to changes, as players are more in tune with how their character looked before. Other races, such as Tauren, are a little harder to spot changes on.
Garrisons were originally called Frontier Forts when the team was brainstorming. Eventually the idea was refined to the Garrisons we see today, which finally answer the question of what players would actually do with player housing.
For the most part, players have accepted the stat squish.
The number of abilities classes have has gotten out of control, as most classes had enough abilities at WoW's launch, but more and more have been added since then. We finally reached the point where pruning had to be done.
The design of the Arms Warrior lost its way over the years, moving away from what Arms felt like when WoW was launched. The changes in Warlords should solve this and bring back the identity of the spec.
Tol Barad went the wrong direction after Wintergrasp, as it focused more on battleground like gameplay instead of the World PvP aspect. Wintergrasp did feel like an epic battle though.

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