美服《上古世纪》冒险以及公测 一个增量补丁包含了大量的新功能

2014-09-05 1154

《上古世纪》的公测开始于(星期四),9月4日上午10:00 PDT(GMT-7),四天后结束!一个增量补丁包含了大量的新功能。而构建4.7代表《上古世纪》推出新功能,但它不能发布前的最终的补丁。目前仍有许多locke功能将在不久后发布。



*AFK Kick已实施:角色在[离开]状态45分钟后将被注销。角色在制定或捕鱼期间不应该离开。





ArcheAge’s Open Beta has started on Thursday, September 4 at 10:00 AM PDT (GMT-7) and will end four days later! An incremental patch contains a large number of new features. While the build 4.7 represents ArcheAge’s launch features but it is not be the final patch before launch. There still has a number of locke features that will be released shortly after.


* Farm Cart: A new type of player-crafted wagon has been added that carries two resource packs to fill the gap between the donkey and the larger Farm Wagon. It also comes with a horn for maximum beepage.

* AFK Kick has been implemented: Characters will be logged out after 45 minutes of [Away] status. Characters who are in the middle of crafting or fishing should not be kicked.

* Auction House: All accounts have the ability to bid on and win auctions by default. The ability to post auctions on the Auction House is unlocked in one of two ways:

- Accounts that are under Patron status, or have had Patron in the past, have permanent access to post auctions.

- Accounts that have never had Patron status can unlock the permanent ability to post auctions by consuming the Auction License item on any character.

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