美服《洛奇英雄传》新Boss Zecallion来挑战 在比赛中咆哮

2014-09-06 2849

《洛奇英雄传》近日发布了其新预告片讲述新的RAID Boss名叫Zecallion,他是一头狮子挥舞着一个庞大而令人生畏的斧头。不只是一个典型的近战的Boss,zecallion的攻击也涵盖了一些范围,比如他的投掷巨石。

Zecallion的名字在devtalk上被提及,在测试服务器上的发布Arisha。迄今,Zecallion也许是最平衡的,强大的RAID Boss。该devtalk提到他咆哮,这使得它可能有犬的特征,但有一点要记住的是,没有犬特征的怪物在这场比赛中也会咆哮。




Vindictus(also named Mabinogi Heroes) recently has released a new trailer of its new raid boss named Zecallion, he is sort of a lion beastman wielding a large and intimidating axe. Not just a typical melee boss, Zecallion’s attacks cover some range as well, such as his boulder toss.

Zecallion’s name was mentioned in a devtalk around the time Arisha was released on the test server. And Zecallion is perhaps the most balanced and powerful raid boss thus far. The fact that the devtalk mentioned him growling makes it likely that he has canine features but one thing to keep in mind is that monsters without canine features tend to growl in this game as well.

Other than the brief mentioning on the Devtalk, the line ‘true loyalty’, and a blurred teaser trailer staged in what seems to be Ortell Castle, there isn’t much info we can speculate on.

Besides, Nexon will be at G-Star 2014 in November, if you have question about Vindictus(Mabinogi Heroes), you can also join the G-Star 2014! And we'll keep reporting lastest news of Vindictus for you guys!

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