美服《上古世纪》准备早日启动 让游戏快速发展

2014-09-09 775







In MMORPGs, there is a common idea that getting in the game and progressing ahead of the herd is a good idea (which it is, if you’re able to). This brings benefits like not having to farm the same mobs hundreds of other players are working on, and being more competitive (or at least being able to protect yourself) in PvP. With ArcheAge, this goes even further, though. So let’s take a look at what you can do to prepare for the early launch of the game!

Understand the Game Mechanics

One thing you really need to do is understand and refine the game mechanics. If you played in one of the Betas, you’re in luck. If not, it is a good idea to do some light research into how things work. The game does come with its own tutorial system to help catch up to speed, but it will go much faster if you can ignore the tutorial and just blast through the beginning content. The things you’ll want to understand are:

•    Mounts and how they work (in reference to gear, leveling, growing)
•    Planting and gathering
•    Building
•    Travel methods
•    Skill usage and upgrading

All of these things will put you on your way towards at least getting out of the beginner content and into the real world, where you can further refine your knowledge.

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