美服《龙腾世纪:审判》 Skyholds透露新专访 关于审判的基本工作

2014-09-15 1111

新的内部访谈已经发表在《龙腾世纪:审判》的网站上,提供给玩家关于Skyholds的信息,审判的基本工作。制片人Cameron Lee讨论Skyhold的问题。






A new in-house interview has been published on the Dragon Age: Inquisition site that gives players some new information about Skyholds, the Inquisitor's base of operations. DAI Producer Cameron Lee takes on fan questions about Skyhold.

[DA]: What areas of Skyhold can players customize?

[CL]: Skyhold can be customized to reflect what sort of Inquisition you're leading. You choose what to do with major parts of the castle such as towers and the courtyard as well as decorations like statues, windows, drapes, furniture, and even the heraldry your Inquisition forces will take into the world.

[DA]: Where can players find additional items to add to their Skyhold?

[CL]: There are many ways for you to obtain new items to personalize your Skyhold. Some are found as you explore the world, others require you to complete side quests, and you can buy some from merchants you'll meet in other towns and cities.

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