《Dota 2》6.82新补丁中着重更新了地图设定并放出了新旧地图对比视频

2014-09-28 1047

你玩Dota 2吗?那准备重新了解Dota 2,Valve为这个竞赛性MOBA最新放出的Rekindling Soul更新,其只能描述为DoTA补丁原始反复以来游戏可玩性最重大的一个。特别是6.82更新平衡了地图设计,添加了新符文奖励和装甲,重做了Bloodseeker和Phantom Lancer;同时实现了当前游戏中的所有英雄的平衡调整。

当然补丁主要点是地图的改动。DoTA和续作,Dota 2有着地图数据公平的设计,但随着这些改变玩家将发现Roshan被移动了,围绕他周围的路径改道以适应他的新住所。其他地图改变也加入了通往Dota 2浓密森林区域的新路径,提供了逃脱并猎捕对手的新机会。这些变化很难在文章中体现,但幸运的是我们有视频来比较旧地图和新地图的差别。 专业玩家网,网游工作室门户站,为所有游戏工作室提供游戏打金技术,游戏防封技术。



Do you play Dota 2? Then prepare to re-learn Dota 2 as Valve’s newly released Rekindling Soul Update for the competitive MOBA can only be described as one of the game’s most significant gameplay patches since those made during the original iterations of DoTA. Specifically, update 6.82 makes some fairly sweeping changes to the map layout, adds a new bounty rune type and armor, reworks Bloodseeker and Phantom Lancer; all while also implementing balance tweaks for every hero currently in the game.

The main focus of the patch is of course, the changes made to the map. DoTA and subsequently, Dota 2 have enjoyed a fairly static map design, but with these latest changes players will now find Roshan has up and moved, with paths around him being rerouted to accommodate his new digs. Other map changes have also added new pathways through Dota 2′s dense forest areas, creating new opportunities to evade -and hunt- your opponent. These changes can be hard to grasp in mere text form, but luckily the fine folks over at DotaCinema have produced a video comparing the old with the new.


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