《The Flock(羊群)》第一人称多人在线恐怖游戏宣布10月31日开始alpha测试

2014-09-28 1633

第一人称非对称的多人在线恐怖游戏《The Flock羊群》是缓慢而坚定地朝着成为一个真正你可以玩的游戏方向迈进。一个封闭的alpha测试计划于10月底开始,和开发者Vogelslap正在寻找那些想要参加测试的人。

你不需要一台非常热门的电脑来运行游戏,但也有一些限制。Alpha测试将于10月31日开始,但只会在周末运行以确保最大数量的玩家可以游戏。它将只包括一个级别,不同于去年在Gamescom上展示的,并在一场比赛支持三到五名玩家。工作室还没有决定alpha将运行多长时间,但当它结束时,结束是:一旦测试期结束游戏将从Steam图书馆中删除。 游戏项目、游戏工作室辅助工具、游戏防封技巧,专业玩家网游戏工作室联盟,是网游工作室必选网站。



The first-person asymmetrical online multiplayer horror game The Flock is slowly but surely moving toward becoming a real game that you can actually play. A closed alpha test is scheduled to begin at the end of October, and developer Vogelslap is looking for people who want to get in on the action.

You won't need an overly hot PC to run the game, but there are some restrictions. The alpha test begins on October 31 but will only run on weekends to ensure that the maximum number of players are available. It will include just one level, different from the one shown last year at Gamescom, and support three to five players in a match. The studio hasn't yet decided how long the alpha will run, but when it's over, it's over: The game will be removed from Steam libraries once the test period has concluded.


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