美服《魔兽世界》新招募的坐骑—Cindermane Charger 随着补丁6.0.2的发布而推出

2014-09-29 1709

新招募的坐骑已加入到游戏文件的最新测试版本中,这就是所谓的Cindermane Charger。我们可以安全地假设这将是最新的坐骑,将随着补丁6.0.2的发布而推出。




A new Recruit-a-Friend mount has been added to the game files in the latest beta build. It's called the Cindermane Charger. We can safely assume this will be the newest Recruit-a-Friend mount that will be launching with the release of pre-patch 6.0.2 (pre-expansion patch released approximately a month prior to Warlord's release).

Assuming Warlords is live, you send an invitation to one of your friends. Once they accept and create an account, you will be linked with your recruit so that you can find them in-game. You can enjoy the special in-game benefits for a full 90 days. These include friend-to-friend summoning, bonus experience and recruits can grant veteran extra levels to help friends stick together.

If your friend purchases a full copy of World of Warcraft and pays for a month of subscription time, you'll receive 30 days of free game time. Once your friend pays for 2 full months, you'll receive a choice of in-game mounts or special pets.

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