《最终幻想XIV》下个版本玩家玩家将继续与Crystal Braves合作并面对怪物Ultros

2014-10-11 900

《最终幻想XIV》下一个主要补丁将带来更多的故事内容。毕竟每个主要补丁都这样。官网上的新预览明确了玩家将继续与Crystal Braves合作,深入调查Ishgard深处酿成威胁整个Eorzea的矛盾。它也清除了表明了玩家将在现行的Gentleman Inspector Hildibrand故事线的下个部分面对粉丝们钟爱的Ultros,它应该比魔甲坐骑更能使《最终幻想VI》的粉丝高兴。

你也可以看看Shiva战斗的预览;困难版本是故事线的一部分,与此同时Extreme战斗要求玩家首先明确Striking Tree (Extreme)。它承诺会是一场相当酷的战斗。看看预览,一定要留意着补丁的上线。

Main Scenario




The Dragon’s Neck




The next major Final Fantasy XIV patch will bring more story content. Every major patch does, after all. A new preview on the official site makes it clear that players will continue working with the Crystal Braves, delving further into the conflict that's brewing deep within Ishgard the threatens all of Eorzea. It also makes it very clear that players will be facing off against fan favorite Ultros in the next installment of the ongoing Gentleman Inspector Hildibrand storyline, which should delight Final Fantasy VI fans even more than their magitek armor mounts.

You can also take a peek at a preview of the coming battle against Shiva; the Hard version is part of the storyline, while the Extreme battle requires players to first clear The Striking Tree (Extreme). It promises to be a pretty cool fight. Take a look at the previews, and keep your eyes peeled for when the patch is going live.

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