美服《命运》 Bungie的每周更新开始采用以播放器为基础的成就

2014-10-13 785


“这是《命运》令人难以置信的第一个月,” Bungie的首席运营官Pete Parsons说。“玩家们每天登录的时间更多,我们的服务器经受了数以百万的监护人的体验,没有它就没有我们惊人的社区。”







Hard to believe, but it's already been a month since Destiny's launch. To celebrate, Bungie's featuring a list of player-related game achievements on its weekly update.

"It's been an incredible first month for Destiny," said Pete Parsons, COO Bungie. "Players are logging more hours per day then any game we have ever made, our servers have withstood millions of guardians experiencing Destiny and none of it would have been possible without our amazing community. "

Destiny's milestone list includes:

*Destiny averages 3.2 million players each and every day!
*Average playtime is still right around 3 hours a day, even on weekdays, one month after launch.
*The average player plays Destiny 1.8 times a day.
*Over the past three weeks, we’ve had more players online in Destiny than we did during the same span for Halo 3 and Halo: Reach, combined.

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