
2014-10-15 1311

集体娱乐公司宣布,《TERA》万圣节活动,“Kaprima复仇”,于星期二,10月14日揭开序幕。玩家可以参加各种活动,一个特殊的事件地牢,Banquet of Blood,并在收获节期间参加特别的万圣节活动。



En Masse Entertainment has announced that the TERA: Rising Halloween event, "Revenge of the Kaprima", will kick off today, Tuesday, October 14th. Players can take part in a variety of events ranging from a special event dungeon, the Banquet of Blood, and take part in special Halloween events during the Harvest Festival.

Starting today and running until November 4, players can look forward to the return of the fan-favorite Fane of Kaprima dungeon. The great goat demon, Kaprima, is tougher than ever, but defeating her now yields greater treasure, including designs for the Devastator set, Unsteel weapon fragments, and broken Unsteel armor plates. Players can reach the Fane of Kaprima dungeon on Mistmoor Island or via Instance Matchmaking.

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