
2014-10-17 1575






Need more ArcheAge? You're in luck then, as Trion has announced that a new continent, Auroria, will be opening on November 4th. Auroria will give players new opportunities for exploration, new housing opportunities, new dungeons and more.

Six new zones will open with the launch of Auroria and four will be available for a guild to claim and rule from the safety of their player-built castle. 30% more housing space will be available to players throughout these four claimable zones.

To claim one of the new zones, a guild leader must cleanse its Archeum Lodestone with a new Purifying Archeum trade pack. Cleansing the Lodestone designates them as Lord and gives them power over the zone’s land. The Lord’s guild may then construct a castle to surround the Lodestone, protecting it from would-be usurpers.

Periodically, a siege declaration item for each zone will appear on the Auction House and the highest bidder will win the rights to siege that specific zone’s Lodestone at a designated time. If victorious, that guild’s leader will claim the title of Lord, all of the accompanying powers, and become the new owner of the zone’s castle (or what remains of it!).

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