
2014-10-22 890





The WildStar site has been updated with a new series that will explore the stories behind the races and locations throughout the game. In "Loremageddon Part 1", the story focuses on both the  Aurin and Mechari races. Loremageddon was introduced to the community about a month ago and players were asked to submit lore-related questions to the team for possible inclusion in a future article.

Starting today, we will be periodically releasing comprehensive lore about all of our playable races - presented in permanent web pages that will live on our existing web site. These pages will include lots of inside information about our races, including sections on physiology, history, and cultural traditions (just to name a few). Given the huge number of questions about the races, it only seemed logical to create a permanent home. And the coolest part is that now that each race has a webpage, there's nothing to stop us from updating those pages with new and exciting lore as it becomes available. Boom!

But wait, there's more! There will also be a dedicated web page where we will answer random questions that were not directly related to races. As time goes on, this page will continue to grow as more questions are asked and more lore is written to answer them.

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