美服《TERA》Arun的命运扩展发布 将玩家带到Barakan比赛的家乡

2014-10-24 1157




En Masse Entertainment has announced that the first expansion for TERA: Rising is on its way. Called "Fate of Arun", the expansion will take players to the home city of the Barakan race. In addition, the level cap will increase to 65. To celebrate the announcement, a trailer revealing the first information about Fate of Arun has been released.

But Fate of Arun isn't just about good looks and a new story with associated quests; En Masse also tells us that we'll see new zones, skills, dungeons, gear, and a new PvP battleground. Notably absent from this account is any mention of new classes or playable races, although I'll maintain hope that En Masse includes these in its promise of "vast systematic improvements to the gameplay experience." Considering that the new Reaper class already appeared earlier this year, that seems unlikely.

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