美服《龙之谷》CN万圣节活动拉开序幕 温泉 怪兽卡以及吸血鬼服装

2014-10-25 2011







Following Dragon Nest KR server's latest Holloween custum and skills changes, CN server also kicks off its Holloween event series, including new fashion and mount, new Citidel of Erosion, spring social game and some valuable mount on sale.

Enjoy the hot spring at this Holloween time as autumn is with us. Numpkin lamps and gphost faces are everywhere in the city. Every player has two chances to enter the spring zone every day, and the function of the spring is different each day, such as the strengthen of the HP, EP, and fatigue. It is also a good time for you to meet someone and start a romantic relashionship!

Then it comes to the change of your fashion. You would definitely love it!

Not only happy and easy event is brought to us on Holloween, but also the Citidel of Erosion. Player can turn to be a monster with a Monster Card.

Now the new Holloween version is live in Dragon Nest CN server, join the party now!

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