
2014-10-27 1559


新飞机包括米格3,米格9和米格15bis,将产生世界的首个后掠翼喷气式战斗机。玩家将看到新的多角色飞机在地面和空中作战形式的变化。飞机将同时具有高口径火炮和炸弹和火箭来保持平衡。战斗机现在纯粹用于混战。混战战斗机用两个大炮和机枪保持平衡。除了这一点,El Halluf地图已扩展。专业玩家网游戏工作室论坛集合所有游戏项目及游戏辅助,游戏加速器,是游戏工作室必上网站。


Hit wargame World of Warplanes this week added a new line of Tier 5 and higher Russian MiG fighters and revamped existing planes by adding a new multi-role class of warplanes.

New aircraft includes the MiG-3, MiG-9 and MiG-15bis, one of the world’s first swept wing jet fighters ever to be produced. Players will see changes to in the form of new multi-role planes fit for both ground and air combat. Planes will be balanced with both high caliber guns and bombs and rockets. Fighter aircraft are now useful purely for dogfights. Both cannons and machine guns of dogfighting aircraft have also been balanced. In addition to this, the El Halluf map has been extended.

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