台服《剑灵》下个月台湾服务器进入公测阶段 游戏是免费模式

2014-10-27 1927


现在,通过几个星期的测试facebook提供的测试反馈,韩国的开发团队将重点放在提高游戏上。还有英国服务器没有更新,但我仍然猜测明年会推出。同时,NCsoft公司也要忙于准备G-Star 2014。专业玩家比价器为外服游戏担保比价和担保交易。



NCsoft Taiwan recently announced the Open Beta date for Blade and Soul Taiwan, which is to take place on 20th November.The Taiwan server will be Free-to-Play, and unlike the China server, will not have any VIP system. I doubt the China players will be happy.

For now, the development team over in Korea will focus on improving the game via the feedback provided over the several weeks of testing. There is still no update for the English server, but I am still guessing a launch next year. Meanwhile, NCsoft will be busy preparing for G-Star 2014 as well.

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