
2014-10-28 2165





The Final Fantasy XI forum has been updated with the news that new NPC-run factions will be entering the game as part of the Unity Concord system that will be launching in game soon. Players will be able to find and support their favorite NPC's cause. Players will be able to chat in a special Unity chat room, run faction-specific content and much more.

*Unity Accolades: Accolades can be earned by completing Unity-based Records of Eminence objectives. A small amount can be earned from non-Unity objectives and defeating certain monsters. The accolades can be used in a variety of ways, from participating in the Wanted battles described above to purchasing items, enhancing equipment found in Wanted battles, teleporting to Wanted battle staging areas, and more.

*Unity Rankings: Unity rankings are tabulated and made public once per week (Earth time), with the order being decided based on how many points a unity’s members have earned that week. At higher rankings, equipment earned from Wanted battles increases in strength, so gather Unity members together and aim for even greater heights.

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