美服《奇迹英雄》添加工业城市巡警的游戏模式 玩家参与史诗战斗对抗新BOSS

2014-11-15 861





Marvel Heroes 2015 has added a new game mode for players called Industry City Patrol. Players of level twelve and above can take part in epic battles against new bosses and grab new medallions, artifacts and some uniques found nowhere else in the game.

Industry City Patrol also introduces multi-phase events that affect which mobs spawn in the City and where. This encourages collaboration with your fellow Heroes to progress to the next phase. However, work together carefully, as you can fail phases!

With this added risk comes great reward - Heroes who participate will receive a special Industry City Patrol Reward Box for each phase completed! Each box contains a multi-boss loot drop, so what are you waiting for!? Get out there and BE SOMEBODY!

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