
2014-11-15 2050






The 2014 season has come to an end, and Riot decided to take a moment to celebrate players who have demonstrated positive behavior in League of Legends. Players who haven’t been chat restricted or had their account suspended in the 2014 season will receive a 4-win IP boost. Due to the number of players receiving this reward, Riot will be granting the bonuses over the next week.

Riot reveals that they will be testing additional systems that address gameplay toxicity like leavers, AFKs, and intentional feeders. And they declare that it’s important to keep in mind that players engaging in these behaviors really are not welcome in the community. Fewer than 1% of players have been escalated to a 14-day ban or permanent ban or even received a chat restriction. Besides, they've been testing some new chat ban systems and here's an update on their progress:

As of 11/13/2014, 95% of active players in 2014 have never received a punishment of any kind. The vast majority of you have not received chat restrictions, ranked restrictions, game bans or permanent bans this year!

If you are a player of positive play, make sure you've verified your email account, because you may see another bonus head your way in the near future.

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