
2014-12-31 578


我们怀着沉重的心情告诉你,在2014年12月31日服务器将关闭,JC Planet因为开发者的难度而关闭服务器。此外,论坛和网站届时将封闭。




According to a notice on the Legend of Silkroad site, game service will officially end on December 31st. Publisher JCPlanet cites developer difficulties as the reason for the shutdown.

It is with a heavy heart that today we must inform you that on December 31st, 2014, JC Planet will shut down the servers for Legend of Silkroad according to developer’s difficulty. Also, forum and the website will be closed to players by then.

Although this was a very difficult decision to discontinue, we believe this will allow us to focus on servicing new and engaging games.We sincerely appreciate your continued support and understanding.

We look forward to seeing you again in our other games!

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